
You Couldn’t Make This Up If You Tried

It just isn't one of those things you think about. Nobody warns you about situations like these. Your parents might have mentioned the unfairness of life, your pastor might have preached on the dangers of unchecked evil; you might even be a boy scout. I don't care how level headed you are, there is nothing that can prepare you for coming home at 3am to a toilet that is boiling over on to the floor. Yes, BOILING. Now, even though he was a little tipsy, Mike actually was a boy scout, so after seeing that hot water, having melted through the plastic tank, now covered his entire bathroom floor; he lept in to action. Within seconds, everything within reach that he thought to be dry and absorbent was on the floor, soaking wet. Towels, clothing, underwear, q-tips, it didn't matter, this was a disaster. Innocently dry objects were thrown in to service without warning. It was at this point that someone - I think Roni - remembered the basic reality of plumbing that had somehow managed to escape our collective attention. Never try to fix a problem while the water is still running. You will fail, becoming drenched in the process. Great idea, only these particular pipes - in their quaint, provincial Italian way - could not be turned off. We looked everywhere, but all of he essential on/off valves either didn't exist, or had been plastered in to the wall a long time ago. Fourth five minutes later, things were fourty-five times worse. Water was everywhere, the three of us were soaking wet, it was 4am, and we had somehow made a NEW hole in a nearby tube that had sufficient pressure to create a little fountain. The decision was made to call Antonio. He lives downstairs. Poor Antonio. After briefly assessing how much damage the Americans managed to inflict on his home this time, he opted for a quick solution. Turn off the power to the entire compound; five apartments in all. He did, it stopped, and we all went to bed. Christ. Update: the plumber came, and it was discovered that there was a huge buildup of gook inside the tank, causing it to malfunction. He also said they were lucky it didn't blow up. Lucky. Huh. Depends on how you look at it I suppose.


HAHAHAHAHA Nate you have an amazing way of telling stories, i had heard this 4 times before reading your blog and its actually funnier when you write it LMAO!!! cant wait to see them pics.

now why must we wait for the pictures

nooooooo! i wanna see pictures! :)

- November 13, 2007