
I’m Movin’ Across In This World

I need a desk.... and maybe some sheets. I can't remember the last time I lived in place that had too much space. For any number of reasons, I've always found myself in comically small rooms that barely fit ME, let alone anything I might have brought along. Why only last fall I was renting a room that I could touch three walls of at the same time. Now I have a king size bed with enough space left over for a ping-pong table and a couch. Sadly, I have no ping pong table or couch. I needn't worry. My housemates, sensing that this absence of furniture might be psychologically damaging (such material loneliness!) have put our laundry rack in the corner near my window, next to the rubber no-slip mat that i'm currently using as a carpet. It's a touching gesture, but something tells me a desk - or even a ping-pong table - might be better company than wet underwear and strangely smudged towels. The things that did come with me, the accoutrements of my current lifestyle deemed useful enough and light enough to lug across the Atlantic: sketchbooks, bags, cords, maps and a lamp, are now spread haphazardly across the surface of my mattress with an air of discouraging permanence, threatening to evict my sleeping bag entirely unless I find them a new home soon. The room itself is rather boxy. There are occasional brown smears on the wall; gruesome evidence of Roni's four year war with those horrendeous, leggy insects that like to creep up from the baseboards at night and drop rather dramatically on to whatever you're reading. For the first few months of my living in the litle house (where one can find whole tribes of these things, and where Roni is going to be living from now on) I would spend my first ten mintues in bed carefully tucking the blankets around my feet so they wouldn't crawl up my leg while I slept. Now I just use a sleeping bag.


hahaha i think is hilarius how yo ucomplain about thebugs i totally forgot how much you hate them, so find yourself a good bugspray (none of that pussy tree hugger enviromental crap) and spray all over the room and leave it for a day (dont sleep there) then the next day you open all windows and start to sweep them bugs out and you are able to have some pece for some time, thats the way to do it.

I use my fingernails.

We have to scrape them off with a spatula.

HA! Rat sex is nothing! My bugs copulate and then eat eachother! Besides, how many rats are smeared across YOUR wall?

now, now. BUGS? You're really complaining about a few leggy bugs? You could have vicious rat sex going on above your head! Screams of ratlike orgasmic glee to wake you up at 3 in the morning. Ah...nothing quite like sibling rivalry over whose vermin is most repulsive.

well shit. how 'bout a real one? here in beautiful watertown we have furniture, toasty flannel sheets, fluffy pillows, and the only bug on the wall are the one you drew. ahhhhhh. but still. I'm sure italy's got its charms. i looked at London hostels yesterday...i'm not sure I have the money, but I'm going to look at ireland too :)

Well shit. A comment!

- March 15, 2008