
I’ll Chew That Gum

I'm not much of a dancer. It's no secret. In fact, most of the people who are reading this have seen first hand just how 'not-much-of-a-dancer' I really am. But that could change. Let me explain. I spent the hour lunch break between my Sunday Nap and Sunday Movie today munching on sliced apples and peanut butter, watching a few TED talks to keep my eyeballs occupied. If you've never spent time at, try it out. It is one-stop-shopping for day-long distractions though, so if you do go, do it between two firmly scheduled events like mine to prevent any ADD wandering that could lead you to the murky timesuck that is Wikipedia. Anyways, the featured speaker this time was Elizabeth Gilbert, author of 'Eat Pray Love' and The Muse of the Coyote Ugly Saloon , a 1997 GQ article which spawned that horrible movie. (To be honest, until I found out that this was the same person, the Coyote Ugly movie and Eat Pray Love occupied completely opposite - though similarly distasteful - categories in my brain. Now I know. Her talk is exactly as advertised though: funny, personal, rather wonderful in a way, and entirely worth the click.) After the talk, I jumped over to her website to see if any good trip-photos could be had. They can't, but you can find a link to , and here is where the dancing begins. Apparently, Matt was an unhappy video game designer in LA and wanted to travel the world. So he quit is job and used the money he'd been saving to do exactly that. Well done Matt. Then Matt decided he'd like to continue traveling, which is where most of us collide with the unfriendly reality of being poor. Not Matt. He simply found a chewing gum company who would pay him to travel around the world three more times. What does he have to do for them? Smuggle crack-gum? Nono. He has to film himself dancing for approximately five seconds in each country. I shit you not. I bet this bastard doesn't even like chewing gum. If anyone would like to pay me to dance for five seconds at a time in various countries of my choosing, please do not be shy. I would even sweeten the deal and chew gum while dancing. Now, on to the Valentine. As a few of you know, I came up with the the rather lonely idea of making an online Valentine this past Thursday. The idea was to paint something small, post it for a day, then be done with it. Obviously, that didn't happen. What emerged from my dank little cave after two days of painting, drinking and typing is only distantly related to Valentines Day, and certainly isn't anything anyone would have wanted to see in their mailbox. (Watch out for single people on V-Day. They're a moody bunch.) To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure you'll want to see it now, but if you've nothing better to do, by all means feel free to check out my 2009 Valentine..


I vaguely remember you dancing at memory, however, could be hazy. love the picture. Is that the new wall painting?

Rest assured, dear brother. Even you, with your awkward shuffle, can dance better than THAT guy. You should probably just steal his job.

- February 16, 2009