
My Superpowers

A brief list: I can, from the freshly sneaker-scraped 3 pointer groove on our driveway, make a hookshot without looking. Sometimes. (This superpower is sort of hit or miss, so to speak, depending on the day/angle of sun/temperature/blackfly-to-breathable air ratio/etc.) Asleep, I can detect which family member is climbing the stairs. I can also make rough guesses as to what kind of mood they're in, depending on step tempo, speed, shoe-type, and arthritic joint sounds. (Until very recently, I could do the same w/r/t canine footsteps, but this power became considerably less super after the family dog count dropped to one.) I can consume an entire tray of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies in under 30 min. If they are covered w/tinfoil or a dishtowel, I can do this without anyone noticing. (And if someone does notice, I can empty my cheeks, jam up to three partially masticated cookies between my teeth and look as though I'm not chewing anything at all in under a second. I can even get out crumb-free, single-syllable responses if interrogated. (I cannot, however, laugh, sneeze, cough or breathe in this condition. 'Stealth' mode is only really tenable for 20-30 second bursts, and can be seriously dangerous if attempted whilst sprinting and/or climbing ladders.)) I can drink 3 cups (24 oz) of maple syrup without a chaser or any serious side effects, apart from occasional blurred vision, (very) occasional involuntary jaw clenching, and a slightly increased rate of blinking. (All three slight side effects are temporary, and usually fade after less than eight hours.) I can pogostick. I frequently dream that I can fly, and can maintain this belief all the way through breakfast. For some reason breakfast grounds me. (Translation: I can fly before breakfast, and cereal might actually function as some sort of personal kryptonite. Hmmmm.) I can juggle eggs for more than ten seconds outdoors, and a little less than ten seconds indoors. (The culprit for this discrepancy remains unclear, however I should note that indoor conditions are often considerably less hospitable and can cause me to tense up and/or lose track of the airborne eggs more easily.) I can magically bend spoons. Not only that, but I can also gauge, with superhuman sensitivity, how long the owners of said spoons can cope with their new spoonless situation, and return them (the spoons) back to their original shape before anyone does anything violent that they might regret later on. (Superhuman sensitivity takes some practice.) I can make a dishtowel look more like a dead chicken than you might think. That is all.


Another Stair Listener! My goodness! I guess that's how it works with superpowers, You just HOPE you're alone/chosen :-)

I share your Stair Climber Power. I thought I was alone!

- May 14, 2010